Author/educational consultant
Tisha is an international speaker, educational speaker, Canva Learning Consultant, podcast host, and author from Southern Oregon. She has served as a district Tech Integration Specialist and Student Engagement & Professional Development Specialist and taught Family & Consumer Science for two decades. She is a co-founder and president of the Southern Oregon CUE affiliate and serves as secretary on the CUE executive board.
Tisha is the author of three books: Make Learning MAGICAL, which unlocks seven keys to transform teaching and create unforgettable experiences in the classroom, Dragon Smart, a children's book that she co-authored with her son, Tommy, and co-author of the EduProtocol Companion Guide that she created with Jon Corippo and Marlena Hebern.
On this episode of Under the Hat, we are joined by Tisha Richmond as she shares her educational journey as a teacher, speaker, podcaster, author.....did I mentioned Tisha wears all the hats? Come join the conversation and lea...