Stephen Chiger and Daniel Pereira

Stephen Chiger and Daniel Pereira Profile Photo


Stephen Chiger loves teaching – whether it’s students or adults. An award-winning educator and sought-after presenter, Steve helps lead the literacy program at Uncommon Schools and is the co-author of Love and Literacy, a book on teaching English. As a former journalist who remains obsessed with media, he co-wrote Gram and Gran with his son in mind.

Daniel Pereira is a social worker in Alexandria, Virginia. Before entering social work, he was a high school English teacher for 17 years. He loves (in no particular order): poetry, bookmaking and book history, fancy food, goofing around, Oxford commas, and pebbles.

Oct. 12, 2024

Episode 31: Preparing the Future with Media Literacy

On this episode of Under the Hat, we have Stephen Chiger and Daniel Pereira on the show talking about their book, media literacy, and their journey as educators! Want to learn more from Stephen and Dan? Here are the links: Gr...