Josh Swartz

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Podcast Host

Josh Swartz, PMI, M.div., is an experienced educator, leader, technologist, course developer, and project manager who has been teaching students for over seven years. His specialty is combining his skills in teaching, user experience, leadership, and project management to efficiently develop interactive learning experiences. He has created content using ADDIE, Rapid Instructional Design With SAM, and backwards design. He has experience with multiple LMSs, Articulate Storyline & Rise, TechSmith Camtasia, Canva, iorad, Notion, and many more tools. In everything he does, Josh aims to lead our teams in creating excellent interactive learning experiences.

Sept. 7, 2024

Episode 26: Anti-Unproductive Tech

Come join the roundtable that you didn't know you needed. Josh Swartz and William Illingworth discuss productivity with tech, podcasting, and lifting educators through the power of voice. Want to hear more from Josh and Will?...

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