Debbie Tannenbaum

Debbie Tannenbaum Profile Photo

Debbie Tannenbaum is an ASCD Emerging Leader, ISTE Certified Educator, ISTE Community Leader, author, blogger, and speaker. She offers schools and districts a wealth of expertise. With over 20 years of experience, she advocates starting with pedagogy first and then transforming learning experiences by using technology tools. Debbie empowers educators with practical strategies, innovative ideas, and insightful guidance for leveraging technology to amplify student success. Connect with Debbie at or on social media at @Tannenbaum Tech.

Jan. 26, 2024

Episode 4: Creating With Our Youngest Learners!

Is there a place for tech in our K-3 classrooms? How does AI fit into this conversation? Listen to Debbie Tannenbaum articulate what is possible with technology, creativity, and our youngest learners. Debbie and Steve share e...

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